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Data server object:  hydrography

"Regional Ecology and Coastal Hydrography"

Principal Investigator: Ann Bucklin (UNH)

"The objective of REACH is to document and understand the functional inter-relationships among the major elements of the planktonic assemblage in the waters of western Gulf of Maine. The planned field program will characterize the physical dynamics, nutrient availability, and phytoplankton and zooplankton assemblage. The long-term goal of this effort is to work toward a predictive index of harmful algal bloom (HAB) occurrences in near-shore waters of the western Gulf of Maine based on an integrated assessment of the planktonic community." (from REACH home page)

REACH Home Page

Hydrography, Nutrients, Phytoplankton: Explanation of Variables

yrday_localJulian day
stationwhere the data was collected
lat Latitude in decimal degrees N
lon Longitude in decimal degrees W
depth depth of the observation in meters
tempTemperature in degrees C
salSalinity - dimensionless
transtransmissivity in percentage
fluor fluorescence from the CTD in micrograms per liter
PAR Photosynthetically Available Radiation
in microEinsteins per square centimeter
sigma_tdensity of the sea water in g/cm3
ChlaChlorophyll a in micrograms per liter
NO3 concentration of Nitrate in micromoles per liter
NH4 concentration of Ammonia in micromoles per liter
PO4 concentration of Phosphate in micromoles per liter
SiO4concentration of Silicate in micromoles per liter
DIN concentration of Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen in micromoles per liter
N_P_ratio Nitrogen to Phosphorus ratio - dimensionless
Alexandrium concentration of this toxic dinoflagellate in cells per liter

This document is created by info v 4.1f 5 Oct 2018 from the content of the info file.